How to read the following tables:
- Each column in the chart represents an address book (workspace contacts or user's private address book). Address book names omitted for simplicity.
- Each row contains a contact state in each address book after the given operation is complete and sync & deduplication has finished
- Highlighted cells indicate where a change has been made (green for information added, red for removed, bold highlights the changes).
- For simplicity, you can assume that no one else beyond 1 or 2 members do not share the contacts.
- Every edit is considered to be made manually on the Web App -
1. Contact data addition
New contact data addition in member address books does not propagate to other members' address books.
New contact data addition in the workspace does not propagate to member address books. Single value fields are only shared with the workspace when there's no data already.
2. Contact data deletion
Contact data deletions are propagated to the workspace, but are not synced to other members. If they share data that was deleted, it's not added back later.
Deletions in the workspace do not affect individual member data.
3. Contact data change
When data order is changed for multi-value field & field values for single value fields are changed, the new values are not reflected in workspace.
In the same way, data order changes and single-field value changes do not sync back to member address books.
When data is partially changed, it's not synced to the workspace.
When data is changed “beyond recognition”, it still receives new data from members who share it.
4. Contact deletion
Workspace contact deletions do not propagate to member address books. If member contact is edited after deletion, a new contact is not created in the team.
Deletions in member address books (including cases where members are removed from the team) are not propagated to the workspace.