How can I create, view, edit, and delete my tags?
In Contacts+ for Web, you can add, remove, or edit a tag to an individual contact or groups of contacts. The quickest way to view all of your existing tags, creating new tags, and delete tags is via the Tags dashboard that you can open by pressing the tags icon right on the left-hand side.
This will then open a list on the right side of the screen.
By clicking the Edit button, you can remove tags you no longer need. This does not delete any of your contacts; rather, it deletes the tag(s) associated with your contacts. Keep in mind that if you have your Google Contacts and/or iCloud address book connected, the corresponding group will be deleted in your Google Contacts/iCloud address book.
You can also add (or remove) tags directly from individual contacts. Open the contact >> Add private Tag
....or you can add (or remove) tags directly from groups of contacts.
In Contacts+ for iOS, you can search your tags from the tag icon displayed on the top right corner.
For editing, adding or removing a tag, tap on the edit icon displayed.
Alternatively, you can add (or remove) tags from contacts by selecting contacts from clicking Edit in the upper left-hand corner. Then, choose the tag action at the bottom of your contact list.
In Contacts+ for Android, you can view, edit, add, remove, and search your tags, smart tags, and connected contact sources.
To add a tag for a single contact, open the contact >> click on the edit icon >> "Add or remove tags"
Alternatively, you can edit tags in Cloud contacts by switching to cloud contacts >> Tap on the search bar > Tap on tag icon >> Click on Edit icon.
In Contacts+ for Gmail, you can add (and remove) tags directly in the contact's details.
How can I filter my tags?
To filter the tags, click on the tag icon displayed right next to the search bar (in Contacts+ for Web) where all the tags will be displayed.
To find all contacts without any tags, use this search:
- missing:tag
I want to add tags/groups to my imported file before I upload it, how can I do that?
The Google format has "group membership," Outlook has "categories" (but only permits one category per "categories" column); "Category" is also understood.
Add "group membership" or "categories" etc. to the header of your file, then in each cell, include the tag's name. If a contact has more than one tag that will be added, make multiple "group membership" headers.
Are my tags syncing bi-directionally as groups in Google, iCloud, and Exchange/Office 365?
Tags in Contacts+ sync bi-directionally as groups in Google and iCloud; however, we do not currently bi-directionally sync with folders/groups in Exchange.
How can I export my tags?
From Contacts+ for Web, choose the tag you want to export, click Select All at the bottom of your contact list, then click Export at the top of your account.
How can I view contacts without a phone number, email address, or organization in my account?
Use the Smart Tags in the Tags dashboard to select contacts we have automatically tagged with missing information.
What are Smart Tags?
These are default tags that Contacts+ adds to your account; these include Business Cards, Missing Email, Missing Organization, etc. You can select multiple Smart Tags at once.
Can I create my own Smart Tags?
Not at this time, but we are considering this feature.
How can I search for all contacts with a tag?
Use the search parameter NOT missing:tag in the search bar at the top of your Web app.