Does Contacts+ integrate with Zapier?
Yes. We do offer integration with Zapier. You can access it here.
If you're unfamiliar with Zapier, it's a platform that connects apps through a series of 'triggers' and 'actions.'
In the case of Contacts+, the Zaps are triggered by events (i.e. any new contact created) or by adding a specific tag to a contact when creating it, thus sending the contact through Zapier to any of Zapier's supported apps and services. You can read more about the integrations they offer here.
A few popular Zaps include Contacts+ -> HubSpot; Contacts+ -> Pipedrive; Contacts+ -> MailChimp; and Contacts+ -> Google Sheets.
It is also possible to set up Zaps from Zapier to Contacts+ so that changes performed in the Zapier supported-apps create or update contacts in your Contacts+ account.
How can I integrate Contacts+ with Zapier?
To get started, first create a Zapier account, then create a Zap between Contacts+ and the app or service that you wish to integrate with (or the other way around).
Zapier has many pre-built Zaps that you can use to get started, or you can build an integration from scratch. Here's an example of integrating with Google Sheets:
Keep clicking continue and add your Contacts+/Google credentials along the way. When given the choice to choose trigger options select a tag you have created for this step in your Contacts+ account.
If you want to send contacts associated with a specific Contacts+ tag, you can apply this tag (for example, "Send to Google Sheet") so that Contacts+ only sends a contact if this specific tag exists.
Once you've set up your Zap, you'll need to make sure you turn it on in Zapier.
Once your Zap is set up it'll be active and ready to go in Contacts+. In this case, when a new contact is added to Contacts+ and tagged with tag chosen in Zapier, it will be automatically sent to Google Sheets.
Please note that if you create a Zap that triggers when a new business card is transcribed, it will only function when scanning a new card in Contacts+ for iOS app and Contacts+ for Android app or Contacts+ Web app.
Are all Contacts+/Zapier Zaps free?
Not all; however, a majority of Zaps are free. Take a look at their App Directory to learn more about which Zaps are free and which are Premium.
You can also find a list of their 'up-and-coming' integrations here.
Are all contact information fields transferred through Zapier?
When creating a Zap, you can choose which fields to transfer from Contacts+ to your selected service (however, please note that not all of them are supported by every service).
What if I don't want to use Zapier, is there any other way to get my contacts/business cards sent to a different service?
While creating a Zap is the most efficient way, you can always export your contacts/business cards from your Contacts+ for Web app and import it into your desired service. Skim this article for further instructions.
Does Contacts+ integrate with Salesforce?
Currently, we do not offer a direct integration with Salesforce; however, you can create a Zap between Contacts+ and Salesforce to sync contacts to your Salesforce account.
If you'd rather opt-out of creating a Zapier account, you can export your contacts from the Contacts+ for Web app and import it into your Salesforce account.